Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Considering postgraduate study Dates for your diary University of Manchester Careers Blog

Considering postgraduate study Dates for your diary Are you thinking about furthering your studies with a postgraduate degree? You may be considering further study to develop your subject expertise, demonstrate  intellectual independence or to acquire a qualification to help you on your way to your dream job but it can be difficult to know where to start. Whether you’re an undergraduate student thinking about what you want to do next, a  master’s student considering carrying on to complete a Doctorate or you’re even thinking of returning to education after working for a few years, now is the time to start planning ahead for next September. You may be just starting to consider options, or you may know exactly what you want to study at â€" we have a few dates for your diary that may help you to make up your mind. At The Careers Service, we organise the Postgraduate Study Fair in mid-November each year, which is attended by many different universities and institutions all with postgraduate opportunities. But you may also have heard about The University of Manchester’s postgraduate taught and research open days, which are also held in November, featuring opportunities at our university. While there is no harm in going along to all three, it can be quite time consuming. So I’ve written this blog post to give an overview of each and help you decide which one is right for you. The Postgraduate Study Fair, Wednesday 16 November 2016   Our very own Postgraduate Study Fair is your chance to plan your next steps by meeting with representatives from over 90 institutions, all offering courses and further training for September 2017. This is ideal if you’re not sure where you want to study! Open to students and graduates from any university, institutions from throughout the UK and overseas will be represented, offering hundreds of postgraduate course places. You will also have the opportunity to speak to advisory bodies such as FindAMasters.com, FindAPhD.com, US-UK Fulbright Commission and many more. The fair provides the perfect opportunity for you to make personal contact with a range of institutions and get a feel for the courses or universities that would suit you â€" without needing to visit each one individually. You can register your interest in a particular university, or attend a talk to receive expert advice on topics such as funding, teacher training, and what postgraduate study is really like. More information, including a full list of exhibitors is available on the website. To book your place: register online We also have a Facebook event which you can join to stay up-to-date with what’s planned for the day. If you are considering postgraduate study at The University of Manchester and you have already identified some courses or areas of study that interest you, then our two upcoming postgraduate open days, both on University campus, may be for you. Postgraduate Research Programmes Open Day, Wednesday 2 November 2016 A postgraduate research degree allows you to demonstrate intellectual independence in a particular area at doctoral level, and to contribute to the University’s thriving research culture. Some programmes may involve a taught element, or specific training in research skills; others may focus on interdisciplinary research, or involve a research partnership with another institution or external organisation. Whatever your subject of interest, this Open Day will give you an insight into the broad range of postgraduate research opportunities we have. You will also have the opportunity to speak to a variety of staff about the many aspects of postgraduate research study and meet some of our current research students. While a master’s degree is often required for entry onto a PhD programme, it may be possible for you to progress directly with an undergraduate degree come along to learn more about the vast range of courses we have to offer and to find out what your options are. To book your place: register online. A  full open day programme  is available on the website. Postgraduate Taught Programmes Open Day, Wednesday 23 November 2016 The Postgraduate Taught Programmes Open Day is your opportunity to learn more about the vast range of master’s-level courses that the University has to offer, and how you can continue to make use of the skills you’ve developed during your undergraduate degree. You will get a flavour of what life as a postgraduate taught student at The University of Manchester is really like. As well as the chance to speak to a variety of staff about the many aspects of postgraduate study, you’ll also be able to meet representatives from some of our key student services, tour our campus, learning facilities and accommodation and meet some of our current master’s students. In the afternoon, our academic Schools will lead sessions relating to your subject area, where both admissions and teaching staff will be available to answer your queries about the course(s) that you’re interested in. Further information about our postgraduate research programmes can be found on the University website. To book your place: register online. A  full open day programme  is available on the website. If you have any questions about either of our Open Days, contact the Postgraduate Team at pg-admissions@manchester.ac.uk Of course, The Careers Service will be represented at all three of these events. We’ll be on hand to discuss how we can support you in securing the top jobs in industry and academia. Hope this has helped clear up what’s what with postgraduate study events, and don’t forget you can always drop in to the Atrium or get in touch with us if you have any questions. All Graduate International Postgrad-highlighted Postgraduate Undergraduate Undergraduate-highlighted Careers fair postgraduate study

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